The Astrology of Ecstasy

Readers of this blog often ask for ‘more’ on Chariklo and Okyrhoe, the kin of centaur Chiron. I point them to this or that article or bit of research, but nothing that integrates the whole centaur story. With this story of my personal journey with the Centaurs, I hope to remedy the association of Centaurs with suffering. Here is an astrology of ecstasy: one that explains how the most excellent things are told by the Centaurs, showing how transcendent moments come about in a person’s life.

When I learned that the workings of astrology could time the most unexpected happenings in my life, I started to pay attention to the cosmic art. When I realized it was the Centaurs (Chiron and his family) that were most immediate and specific in their machinations around my natal chart, I got hooked. Now, a quarter Saturn cycle has passed since I first learned the names of Chiron, Chariklo and Okyrhoe. The Centaur family and I walk hand in hand on earth, and across the zodiac.

Since that time of life-changing spiritual retreats and inspirations which took place under direct transits of these three small planets (along with their friend Pholus), I’ve become more certain of their role in human experience. By examining many of the most notable epiphanies, visions, and discoveries in recent history, I’ve seen just how active the centaurs are throughout these cases. This shows in simple astrological ways: the conjunction, mostly, to clear signifiers in the natal charts of people undergoing life-changing events.

So I started to write a book, based on the famed mystics of our times including dozens of Swamis, Lamas, Marian visionaries, physicists, channelers etc. A couple years later, I began to meet psychic after psychic, each one telling a consistent message: the Centaurs were trying to work with me, for people living now. Together we could do something great for the planet.

My own spiritual teachers frown on any kind of innovation on the well-trod path of the masters. Yet time and again I was shown I had to drop my resistance and let the good things roll through me. Dreams led to writings, sudden blisses led to unfolding meditation practices, and Full Moons brought circles of close star friends together to feel though what the Centaurs were showing me.

Best of all, these astrological healing groups that I initiated in Asheville, NC have included people who are even more receptive than I am to what the Centaurs are doing. I could see right away how deeply these processes led participants to insight and healing. Rather than trying to ‘convert’ anyone, I was being shown the light that sought to shine through us.

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