Welcoming a Centaur Guest: Capucine

Travellers of the interweb, welcome to an Interconnection. 

Photography by Capucine 2015

I’m a guest blogger on David’s Centauric Space – my name is Capucine, I’m a Reiki Master Teacher, I shapeshift with the energies which I educate myself with, and what the Universe gives towards my involution. In December 2019, I registered for my first Centaur Attunement, and it’s now June 2020. 
To hear what I could share about this first meeting with the Centaurs and David’s ceremony listen to our interview on my podcast.

What first called me to transform my «spiritual side» to my «public» side was Chiron. I healed myself for two years, silently, behind my teachers, writers, magicians. 

Photography by Capucine 2015

But I became a guide for others once a major part of my healing required that I protect others from what I had experienced (enter my world at The Shapeshifter Club).

And that first entry publicly about this vocation was my book Anchor (linked below). So a few years later, when I became a Reiki Master Teacher, when I was fully in the world of energy and I saw David’s work, I needed to join. (In fact my guides told me to!) 

Through the past months and meeting with Chiron, Chariklo, Pholus, and Okhyroe, through ceremonially calling on the Centaurs with David and his community, I have found a nest, or more like my own cave where healing continues to happen for me, not only for what I can bring others. 
It’s a fine balance, to know when one is ready, rested, and ready to give more.

Photography by Capucine 2015

The way I experience these interdimensional beings feels like next of kin. My own evolving field is social, yet solitary, giving yet creating. The Centaurs are highly sovereign and free in spirit. 

They evolve within their environments, from the elements and their own physical bodies (half horse half human): skilful hands, graceful spinners, swift rivers, earth dwellers.

They operate multidimensionally and they made me feel surer of my own relation to this reality. I love meeting them again and again and can’t wait to meet more of them. 

Photography by Capucine 2015

They also evolve as their own storylines cross new aspects in astrology, as these beings are linked to their respective asteroids – one aspect of the ceremonies I enjoy a lot – and they meet us, our Sun, our Moon and our houses. 

As Mars in Aries approaches Chiron, and my own 8th house, I wanted to gift you a moment of softness. Enter this cave and get your rest, your support now: Meet Chiron, travel with me to his Inner Earth and meet his guidance and healing before our summer’s astrology tumbles us down: 

Photography by Capucine 2015

My book is solely about this healer’s archetype: Anchor: a class in soul archeology. I have another meditation about the horse themes (discipline, tamed, freedom), it’s a Reiki infused video available here.

I hope you enjoyed this special interdimensionality, connect with the Centaurs, give yourself a moment with their mentorship, maybe you are one, and let me know on social media if you loved it or want to work with me! 





Photography by Capucine 2015

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